Wednesday, August 23, 2006

First Blogs First

As I enter into Blogdom for the first time, I want to build a forum I'll call the anti-myspace. In a world of me, me and more me, I need to find a community of people that care about the world and each other beyond ourselves.

I live in a city where a girls breasts are the measure of her worth. Where strippers are idolized. Where thinkers are the minority and true lasting friendships are rare. Can you guess where I'm from?

I want to hear from people that belive as I do, that the majority of people in the world are good and honest. That people don't want to be at war. That in this big giant sanbox called earth, we can all play together and share our toys. That the overwhelming majority of thinking people understand the governments agendas are not neccessarily our own.

I want to hear from people that understand that we really don't know much about the miracle of life. That every day, there is more to learn and discover. That we know less than one percent of all there is to know. That our minds need to be open to receive knowledge. That the truest power known to love. That whatever God you do believe in is love. Because, at the end of the day...what the blog do we know anyway?

1 comment:

AJH said...

Oh, In know you know. :)